viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Reflection of my classmates blogs!!

  Keven's blog about today's immigration I don't agree with it a lot.Cause if we where it the same place they we would do anything to have freedom and safety. They should immigrate legally but if they can't do it they have the right to have new opportunities and be free. Nobody should fight against them because everybody came from immigrated ancestries.People in their position to know how they feel.

 I like the journal blog of Paulette, cause is based on how life should be when it comes to immigration. Cause they had the chance to live in America. They got the opportunity of living the american dream. It was a hard fight but they won it. They didn't had lot of money but the lived free in American land of opportunites.

 Carlos's blog on Italian immigration is sad cause they left Italy due to crisis and potatoe famine. Many people got killed and died from many diseases.  Italians were called birds of passage because they went to the US and when they gain money they could return to Italy being economically better.

 Arshad is mostly about Irsih People. Most Irish immigrated from Ireland cause they were looking for jobs and many new opportunities, so they went the land that had it America. Lots of Irish work in potatoe's factories. They got to experience a bettere life that they lived.

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