viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Review of Classmates blog ;)

Keven's Blog

What he say was true, but some of the words doesn't make sense. Has to correct when wording. It was interesting because the whites manipulated the indians with making promise they didn't kept.

Carlos's Blog

 He is right on the indians being obligated to choose a christian name. The whites were abusive and killed many indians, betrayal. Indians gave up land, but they were given not a many food. What make interesting was the name indians had to choose from a book.

Cristian's Blog

Talks about whites wanting native americans to assimilate. Some indians stayed at Lakota resevation, other settle in Canada. The most interesting of Chris blog is the details he wrote of how Native Americans were treated.

Raymond's Blog

Had some errores in spelling and wording. But the information was okay. His blog was most about of how the whites wanted to take the land of the Native Americans and they made the indians move into reservations.

Hector P. Blog's

This blog was very intriguing. His was about the whites trying to take control of the Sioux. Whites negotiate with the indians, but they always didn't kep their promises. Whites used forced to try to get the indians to assimilate. Most indians lost their identity when they change their name, and most of all their pride.

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