martes, 19 de abril de 2011

LGBT Change

   Harvey meet surprise society when we declared himself as a gay person. He made a big change when he made a civil rights that billed that outlawed discrimination on sexual orientation. He was the very first gayperson to be elected in an public office. LGBT activists were surprised when they received little help. However, LGBT activism and politics were not his interest at a young age. But, when he grows his 40's and became politcal face he made a stand and change for LGBT.
    Only 5 cities in the US allowed same sex mariage: Conneticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington D.C.The first state to become legal in U.S. was Massachusetts(2004).  Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin were the 1st legally marriend in US on Feb.12 2004, after being an gay couple over 50 years. After, all the hard work to be free together and after all the insults they were given theyended  happily married.
   Gay mariage has been the important right of gays for the moment. They don't care about the hate crime, insults, or abuses they only want to be with their true love. That's something people should respect, so i'm support that the major change that happen for them was "Gay Marriage" . American people rejected them and excluded from society also harm them, but what the most people have to admire they don't care they come at peace.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle & Activism against LGBT

      Freely lesbians and gay members of the US military were subjected to the US's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. On December 18, 2010, The U. S. Senate voted 65-31 in favor of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 which permitted LGBT people to serve openly in the armed forces.So, means that the arny doesn't forbid them to enter without being discriminated. 

     But, they have been discriminated in employment (such as hiring, promotion, job assignment etc..), housing (discrimination against potential or current tenants by landlords),  hate crimes (crimes motivated from feelings that began from enmity against a class).
   After Harvey Milk became the first openly homosexual man elected to any substantial political office in history. About thousands of amaze people wrote to him: "I thank God," wrote a 68-year-old homosexual, "I have lived long enough to see my kind emerge from the shadows and join the human race."
   There was a time when it was impossible for people straight or homo  to imagine a man like Harvey Milk. The irony about this is that Milk is didn't seem to care that he lived in such a time. After he defied the governing class of San Francisco in 1977 to become a member of a politcal office, many people had to adjust to the reality that he embodied, that a gay person could live an honest life and succeed.

    LGBT people are peaceful they don't use violence. Society tend to discriminate them and abuse them by hate crimes. Their are rejected by society, their economic life is not so good not so great.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Opression on LGBT people

    Gay people over the whole world have been mistreated by many diferent ways. By abuse, insults, killed, torture, disrespected etc... Some goverment doesn't let them marry althought they live in an free country. If they live in a free country why can't they marry like everybody? People have killed a large amount of gays. For example in Puerto Rico, Juan A. Martinez Matos dismembered body of 19 year-old college student Jorge Steven López Mercado. López was a volunteer for organizations supporting HIV prevention and gay rights. Another case at P.R., a transgendered woman named Ashley Santiago was found naked on the floor and was stabbed 14 times and the killer is unknown.
    Gay people aren't to have mariage. So, why they are living in a free country if they are not let to get married? Mariage is prohibited in many diferent countries, in those countries more than half the habitants are against it. Some have to go to another country to get married. They get married, but it still their country doesn't change and society rejects them. Sometimes people use violence against them to try and stop them. But, wherever there are gay people they don't let the people get the best of them and they continue on with their life and stay happy.
    The Civil Rights of the LGBT are violated every time someone tries to go against them. Many hate crimes have been comitted against the LGBT group. Some people use the excuse of being homophobic or intimidation. Gay people mean no harm they only just want to be free and happy. So, why you want to killed them if they hadn't do you no damage?  Civil rights are being against as freedom and the right to speak. This group is an mistreated and abuse group. Gay people are wanting and waiting for the change before is too late.
  Since 1979, Iran has executed more than 4,000 people charged with homosexual acts in their country. It tis sad that a goverment kills its own people, cause they don't accept how they are. It a negative view point of them cause you can't kill anyone for no reason. The world can soon end if all man kind kills each other. :(

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

The Birth of LGBT

     LGBT stands for Lesbians Gay Bisexual Transgender. Gay is an adjective meaning for "homosexual".

Many years ago in 1637, the Oxford English Dictionary defined gay as an addict pursuing physical and social pleasures.  It has become to refer to individuals who lead an immoral, loose life.  During the 1800s the term “gay” was commonly used to describe female prostitutes,also to “gay it” stood for “to couple up” or “to copulate.”
   In 1935, “geycat” was used to refer to a homosexual boy. By 1966, “gay” was began to be used in the same context as it is used today.  People believed that Peter Wildeblood was the first human being to use the word gay to mean homosexuals in his notes in Against Law.  However, there’s no proof of this, male homosexuals could have been using gay already even long before it was published.
  There are 8.8 million LGBT people in the U.S based on the 2005/2006 American Community Survey(an extension of the U.S. Census).
   The LGBT people are not that strong cause people are against them. They are discriminated, but are also supported. But, in US every has their own rights and their freedom to speak their minds. So, that means they are allowed to be free without being judged.